Calendar and events
Kristyn Westphal | Principal
Spencer Williams | Associate Principal
Main: 360-313-3700
Attendance: 360-313-3703
Business: 360-313-3707
Learning resources
Please log in to ClassLink to access all apps, including Canvas.
Need help with devices or apps? Visit the learning support website. If you have limited access to email or the internet, or the internet is not working on your child’s device, please call 360-313-5400.
Quick links
Latest news
February 2025 Employee Excellence Awards
Congratulations to the recipients of the February 2025 Excellence Awards!
How we share information about weather-related school closures and delays | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk
Learn how we communicate with families.
Refugee and immigrant family resources
A list of community resources available for our refugee and immigrant students and families.
How do I?

weLearn 1:1
Our students are future ready!
Learn about digital citizenship, device security and policies.

Help out in our school
Learn about digital citizenship, device security and policies.